Academy of Orthodontic Insurance Coordinators

The Academy of Insurance Coordinators is an online educational program for those individuals who fill the vital role of filing insurance claims in an orthodontic office. From becoming familiar with defining CDT codes and understanding how to submit accurate insurance claims, this program is perfect for new and experienced Insurance Coordinators and an excellent tool for cross-training other key team members.

Written in cooperation with Dr. Doug Depew, Trapezio Founder and Academic Director, and Jill Allen of Jill Allen and Associates, the program brings together years of experience and success to help overhaul your current insurance practices.

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4 CE credits available

Course Reviews

Melissa – Financial Coordinator

“I feel more confident when filing claims or discussing benefits with a patient, especially with dual coverage. Learning about why some secondary carriers may not pay the full benefit if a primary carrier has already paid benefit to the patient (the non-duplication of benefits clause) and how to discuss that with the subscriber was very helpful…. The reassurance that we are following correct guidelines, and providing the best service for our patients when filing insurance was so valuable. Hearing the do’s and don’ts of filing was also helpful, and even though we do not accept assignment in our office, learning about the different types of insurance providers and what other offices offer was very interesting. I feel that I can better educate our patients about the type of coverage they might have and how we can file to get the best outcome for them.

If another office was considering using Trapezio for team training, I would definitely encourage them to do so. Occasionally, you get in a routine and don’t realize that you may not be doing everything you can to ensure claims are filed and processed as quickly as possible. As things change or evolve, we need to make sure that we can get the fastest turn around on insurance benefits, limiting delay of payment, or claim error when filing.”


Release Date: May 1, 2013 | Review Date:November 20, 2023 | Expiration Date: November 20, 2026